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Children's Events, Clients, CMP/Porto, Communication, Content Production, Cultural Programming and Management of spaces and projects, Events and Cultural Entertainment, Graphic Design, Portfolio, Shows viewClients, Communication, Graphic Production, Portfolio, Press Agency, Social Media Management, U. Porto viewClients, Communication, Pele/Mexe, Portfolio, Social Media Management viewCommunication, Cultural Programming and Management of spaces and projects, Portfolio viewChildren's Events, Clients, Communication, Cultural Programming and Management of spaces and projects, Events and Cultural Entertainment, Mercado Bom Sucesso, Portfolio, Press Agency, Shows viewCultural Programming and Management of spaces and projects, Events and Cultural Entertainment, Gertal, Graphic Design, Graphic Production, Portfolio viewClients, Communication, Cultural Programming and Management of spaces and projects, Events and Cultural Entertainment, Livraria Lello, Portfolio, Press Agency viewClients, Communication, Cultural Programming and Management of spaces and projects, Livraria Lello, Portfolio, Press Agency viewClients, Communication, Cultural Programming and Management of spaces and projects, Events and Cultural Entertainment, Livraria Lello, Portfolio, Press Agency viewClients, Gertal, Graphic Design, Graphic Production viewClients, Communication, Content Production, Livraria Lello, Portfolio, Social Media Management viewArt Installations, Clients, Communication, Events and Cultural Entertainment, Livraria Lello, Portfolio, Press Agency view