Dezembro 01, 2014
Title: Routes of English Literature in the 19th Century, vol. 1 – The spirituality
Text: Maria João Pires
Edition: 1st, December of 2014
ISBN: 978-989-98751-4-2
Title: Routes of English Literature in the 19th Century, vol. 2
Text: Maria João Pires
Edition: 1st, December of 2015
ISBN: 978-989-98751-4-2
Title: Routes of English Literature in the 19th Century, vol. 3 – Quest and prophecy
Text: Maria João Pires
Illustrations: Francisca Tenreiro (Cover)
Edition: 1st, December of 2015
ISBN: 978-989-98751-4-2
Title: Routes of English Literature in the 19th Century, vol. 4
Text: Maria João Pires
ISBN: 978-989-98751-4-2
Title: Routes of English Literature in the 19th Century, vol. 5
Text: Maria João Pires
ISBN: 978-989-98751-4-2
Title: Routes of English Literature in the 19th Century, vol. 6
Text: Maria João Pires
ISBN: 978-989-98751-4-2
Title: Routes of English Literature in the 19th Century, vol. 7
Text: Maria João Pires
ISBN: 978-989-98751-4-2