Bairro dos Livros | Portfolio Categories Communication
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The Letters on the Avenue initiative consisted on an alternative to the traditional Porto’s Book Fair, which didn’t happen in 2013, and contaminated, culturally speaking, the downtown of Porto, with a special program that involved literary gatherings, music, poetic performances, meetings with authors, autograph sessions...

This is the story of a city that woke up to a surprise: at the doorstep of nurseries, libraries, stores, coffeeshops and bakeries, at the metro station, and even at STCP bus stops, there were small towers of books for all ages. It’s a gift...

Bairro dos Livros has brought a new festival to the city of Porto, with a “covetable book offer”, assured by “independent bookshops, booksellers, publishing houses and specialized book spaces”. It took place between the 13th and the 22nd of December, right on time for the Christmas’...

Programa de actividades de animação cultural pensadas para o momento da refeição em cantina, concebidas e produzidas pelo Bairro dos Livros para a Gertal/ Grupo Trivalor, em escolas públicas e privadas de todo o país....

Worldwide book launch of “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – Parts I & II”, at Livraria Lello, on the night of the 30th of July of 2016. During the event, about 20.000 fans of the saga got together by Livraria Lello to get to...

At the beginning of 2017, Livraria Lello promoted a series of debates titled A City Can be a Heart. A Fist – Livraria Lello’s Conferences, that aimed to explore the potential of culture as a boost for development and tourism as an influencer for promoting...